Melissa Sunshine
Love Coaching
About Me...

Hi! Welcome! My name is Melissa, AKA Momma Sunshine.
You have found your way to this page, because you are in energetic alignment, and ready, to take the next step, towards your transformation.
For the past 2 decades, i've been on this journey, of deeper meaning and purpose in my life.
What I have discovered, is that we hold the key to our infinite potential, and manifesting ALL of our dreams into reality, within us!
After years of learning deeper self love, and loving my inner child, I have seen my life, become the most beautiful reflection of this, all of my dreams manifesting into fruition!
All of the abundance we are seeking, in every area of our lives, is inside of us, it's not external, this is old programming, and I support women, in releasing outdated programming and limiting beliefs, by the practice of deeper self love, inner child work, so that they can manifest anything and everything they want into their lives.
Financial Abundance, Divine Sacred Union Relationships, Deeper and More Authentic Friendships, Joy and infinite happiness and success, is something, we ALL can achieve, by turning our gaze inwards, and practicing self love, de-programming the mind, from outdated beliefs, and removing limiting beliefs.
The Inner Journey...
Choosing to go on an inner journey and healing our wounds supports us in discovering our true souls purpose for incarnating on Earth...SELF LOVE!!!
We've always been taught, that we need to work hard to get what we want, and that what we want, is something we can only find outside of ourselves, but once we align with Love, what we want most, flows into our lives, effortlessly.