Love Coaching
The only thing that ever gets in the way of us living the life of our wildest dreams, is a lack of self love, and as we dive deeper within and learn to truly love and accept ourselves fully, we are then able to create our dream life.
Each and every one of us come into this world with a gift, and a divine purpose, and only when we move back into a state of self love, are we able to discover, and then fulfill our purpose here on planet earth.
You can have everything and anything you have ever desired in your life, whether it be getting married and having a family, or creating financial freedom doing what you love, living in your dream home in your dream location. All of this is possible, and the only thing that ever stands in the way of it, is self love, and feeling worthy of these things.
Inner Child Healing & Triggers
A big part of my coaching program is working with you on your triggers, they are an opportunity for so much growth, and expansion, and to discover the limiting story that you are telling yourself, that is ruling your life.
When we get triggered by someone, it’s because they are pushing on wounds deep within us, and we react and usually blame others for our feelings. Getting triggered is the perfect opportunity to go deeper into what feelings are coming up for you around this trigger. I feel that triggers are the window to our soul, and for us to get to know ourselves better, we must get to the core of what story we are telling ourselves from childhood.
Taking Responsibility for our own happiness:
When we blame others, or outside situations for our unhappiness we are giving our power away. We are such incredibly powerful, unique beings, filled with so much love and so much light, and when we return to love and wholeness, we see our world in a completely different way. We no longer blame others for our unhappiness, but instead we take responsibility, and our external reality starts to shift.
Inner Child Healing:
Another important part of my coaching program is making the sacred love connection with our inner child, because once we make that connection, we start the deeper healing process. I guide you into meditation, where you are able to receive important messages from your inner child that will support your deeper healing. It’s a beautiful way to move more into a state of self love and compassion.